Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mascots - The Killer Promotional Concept

Mascots are the unique dolls or puppets that help identify a sports team or a company. These carry the unique property of “Stickiness”. Your great customer support and product quality sticks only so long. You got to remind folks often that you are there alive and well waiting for the next business transaction. The cheapest and effective way is creating and promoting a mascot for your company. Television Ads could have this mascot as the central theme or as an add-on. These typically tend to stick to the audience than your product or company name. This is both good and bad; a good mascot tends to make the customers take ownership of the mascot. Meaning they like to display and talk about it to others, a copycat cheap mascot brings in the wrath of the customer. So make a good Mascot for your company or team.

The tough part is the initial concept creation, a concept that will make the Mascot a hit rather than a road-kill. There are professionals who can help you with this. Your advertisement company may have a few experts in-house as well. So the next time you sit in the promotional discussion board, bring this topic to the forum. You will be amazed how much your colleagues, agents, employees and customers like being associated with some good Mascot. This is a powerful branding strategy, have you seen the GEICO ads or the Disney shops. They associate themselves with powerful characters which serve as mascots for their companies. They are the killer ad concepts.

People who are new to the branding field don’t understand the entire Mascot concept. They just choose one animal and then paint them in a different color and claim a job done. Some of them even don’t take the time to check if it is registered by another company or not. More so often it fails than it succeeds as they have not grabbed the concept and they are just trying to create something that is “Cool”. Mascots should mean something as I said earlier people tend to associate your team or company with that Mascot. A Bull mascot for stock companies rock, if it was some new person they would have designed a red ostrich which would completely mean differently. This needs a lot of brainstorming and research in which animal or character fits your company’s long term branding strategy.

Once an initial concept is done and approved then next part is identifying the best manufacturing company who can produce these mascots at preset sizes in bulk or on demand for you. You can look at the resource list at end of article for some help. The company you choose should have the right resources to do good customization for you. Don’t settle for imitation puppets with a different logo on top. This typically doesn’t go well. Uniqueness in style, color, texture, font, quality and the overall appearance matters. Well of course budget is the king and you can try to squeeze in the best qualities inside your tight budget. Once you have these worked out you are all set to give them off for free to your brand ambassadors – your existing customers. These keep reminding them of your company. Don’t miss the free repeat sales.

You can find more resources for mascots in Author does freelancing for many companies and can be reached in the no fee free freelance website

Friday, June 20, 2008

Down and Ducky

When the guy at the carnival told my son that ducks made fantastic pets, I wanted to shoot him. We had just moved to over an acre of land, and since my son was being home schooled, it did seem like a good idea to introduce him to another life form besides dogs and cats. I forgot that mothers usually end up taking care of pets.

To this day, I wonder if it would have been as much fun to have only one duck. That carnival guy talked us into buying two ducks so they could keep each other company. We didn't know we were buying a male and female, though, nor that ducks often breed as much as rabbits. That we learned much later.

It was fun having those ducks around. The male duck promptly bonded with our dogs and after we had a bunch of baby ducks running around the property, we changed his name to "Daddy Guard Duck." The female was just "Mamma Duck."

Each morning at the crack of dawn, our ducks appeared on the back porch. We never did know where they slept. But they appeared bright and early each morning, quacking, pooping, and knocking at our sliding door. That's right, the ducks knocked at the door to let us know it was time for them to eat.

Someone had shared that dry dog food was good for ducks, so we would grind some up each morning in our blender. As we took it to the middle of the yard, the ducks followed us quacking all the while.

After eating, both ducks headed for the small wading pool we had placed in the yard. The male simply jumped in and jumped out. That was the extent of his bathing or swimming. The female loved water, though, and spent hours and hours splashing in the small pool.

Meanwhile, the male played with our dogs. (They were all small dogs - the result of a YorkiePoo and Shi-Tzu mating.) Sometimes Daddy Guard Duck chased the dogs; sometimes they chased him. But when the mailman or UPS driver or some other delivery van appeared on our cul-de-sac, each of them - dogs and Daddy Guard Duck - ran to the fence to bark and quack. That's how the duck got his name. He was just as good as our dogs at alerting us to strangers on or near the property.

When Mamma was sitting on eggs, Daddy did his duty. He sat on the eggs while Mamma took her bath each morning. If she took too long - everyday, in Daddy Guard Duck's opinion - he would quack and quack, getting louder and louder as she ignored him.

Then when the babies arrived, Daddy really played his role well. He guarded his babies and wouldn't let the dogs even in sniffing distance. Once they were a bit grown, Daddy set out to teach his sons how to guard and left the raising of the daughters to Mamma.

We really couldn't keep eighteen ducks on our acre of property, so we took the babies to a farmer down the road who promised to allow the ducks to roam his yard and huge pond. He was true to his promise. When a second batch of baby ducks were grown, they followed the first ones to our farmer friend’s homestead. And, eventually, that same farmer took Mamma and Daddy to live on his property as well. Our family was better for having the experience of raising a few (dozen) ducks.


And then, some years later, my sister's husband brought home a duck for his family to love. He honestly thought that my sister would let that duck live in the river in back of their home.

It was cold when that baby duck came to live with them, and my sister insisted that the duck take up residence in the master bathroom. It has been about two years now, and that duck, while he likes to go outside, still sleeps in the bathroom. He's definitely a house duck, and not a river duck. And he is none too happy when someone wants to shower or otherwise use his bathroom. As boisterous as he is, I have to wonder if he is related to our old Daddy Guard Duck.

Marilyn Mackenzie has been writing about home, family, faith and nature for over 40 years. This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.PetLovers.Com/ which is a site for Pet Forums.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Lowdown On Dog Clicker Training

Dog training is a necessity when you make the decision to keep a dog as a pet. Dogs, particularly larger ones, must be obedient, or keeping them becomes extremely hard work.

In addition to their appreciation for being fed, as pack animals dogs have natural instincts that favour training. These instincts are manifested as a desire to please a trainer. This gives the dog trainer an unbeatable edge in shaping the dog's behaviour.

While dogs can be trained for complicated, serious actions, such as rescue work, circus acts, or medical diagnosis, there are certain elements of training that almost all dogs can learn, to the benefit of both dog and trainer.

Basically, dog training is about communication. The trainer is communicating to the dog what behaviours are correct in what circumstances. A successful trainer must also understand the communication that the dog sends to the them. The dog can signal that he is unsure, confused, nervous, happy, excited, etc. The emotional state of the dog is an important consideration in directing the training.

Dog training clickers are great training tools. They are effective training tools for puppies or dogs because dog clickers make a very distinct sound, letting you control your timing, and eliminate the inflection in your voice that can hinder dog training.

Dogs are very sensitive to inflections in your voice, and training your dog with a clicker eliminates the inflections and you can train more effectively, even if you are in a crabby mood or are getting short-tempered during the training session.

Now that you've got a dog clicker it is time to train your dog to get used to the tool. First thing, get a pocket full of small, edible treats ready and, for easy access, get a nice clicker treat bag. Then you can lure the dog with the treat or go to the dog with the clicker and some treats.

Click the clicker, and give the dog a nice treat. At this point, it doesn’t matter what he’s doing at the moment, since you basically are training your dog to learn that when there's a click there's a treat. You can continue the process of making clicks and rewarding with treats until you've trained your dog to react quickly with the turn of his head and he gives you all his attention when he hears the sound of the clicker. This process probably won't really take much time, but you've got to make him react with your clicker before you move on to the next clicker training step.

Whatever stage of training you have reached,or whatever method of training you may have chosen, always remember these golden rules;

1.Be Positive -- It is necessary to use positive reinforcement when you train your dog or puppy by offering some dog treats and a lot of praise if he does something correctly. During the initial training sessions you can offer both praise and treats.

2.Firm and Friendly -- When you give commands such as stay and come, you want to use a happy, friendly voice. On the other hand, you will want a lower, firmer voice for sit, down, and stay.

3.Start Young…but not too early - The ideal time to start training begins at six to eight weeks, maybe even earlier depending on the puppy. But remember, you can teach old dogs new tricks.

4.Be Patient - Patience is vital when you work with your dog or puppy. If you feel like you’re at the end of your rope before you’ve even started, don’t attempt to train your dog. Your dog is incredibly smart and will pick up on your emotions.

5.Keep it Short - Fifteen minutes or so is about the right time for learning simple commands, so consentrate on a single command a session and end it on a positive note. If your dog or pup has successfully done the command several times in a row remember to smother him with praise. After the dog training session, spend some time playing. He will associate time with you as positive and look forward to his training.

6.No Distractions - Try to pick a quiet place free of distractions when training your dog. A secluded garden or a quiet inside room works best. If there are other pets in the family, put them separate so they won’t interfere with training.

7.Remember, both you and the dog should enjoy. - Dog training, of course, should be a pleasant time for you and your dog. The time can be used to bond closely with your dog and learn each other’s personalities. When you do this, you will not only have a well-trained dog or puppy, but a longtime, loyal companion and friend.

The author has been involved with dog training and rescue for over 30 years, for more articles on dogs and training please visit

Monday, June 16, 2008

Why Buy A Pet And Why You Should Buy Online

Making the decision to buy a Pet sparks the beginning of a beautiful relationship.
Having a pet around peps your home to a different sort of level. Your house comes
alive with the joyful bark of an adorable puppy, or the quiet strut of a furry cat, the
incessant chatter of a pair of budgies or even the sight of your Fish gliding peacefully
around your tank.

To many, having a pet around brings with it a sense of companionship. It's rare to feel
alone with 2 or 3 cats hanging around you all the time. The comradeship that a dog or
even a pony offers can rarely be substituted by anything else.

For others, a pet provides a healing sort of presence. The soothing effects that Pets
can have, on humans who are often struck with effects of epilepsy or even cancer,
are quite tremendous. Gentle animals have often been used to interact with humans
who have been physically handicapped, to greatly improve their present condition.

Of course, you could have pets for a lot of other purposes too. You could get yourself
a dog, with the intention of guarding your home and the safety of your family.

Many parents choose to buy healthy pets for their home. This is because children who
have grown up with pets and are taught to love and take care of them, become
adults with a more responsible and wholesome personalities. Children can be taught to
feed, bathe, groom, and be responsible for their pets.

One of the best ways to purchase a pet is to do so online. The internet has a variety
of websites that are dedicated to letting you know about the different varieties of
pets available.

Advantages Of Buying A Pet Online

A Much Wider Choice: By purchasing a pet online, you?ll be given a much wider choice
of animals than you would find at your local pet store. For example, the pet store in
your area might have just budgies or parrots. But by choosing to buy online, you can
choose between numerous different varieties of Birds like cockatoos, quails, macaws,
cuckoos, canaries and so many other exotic kinds.

A Much More Informed Decision:

By using the internet, you'll be able to gain so much more information about your pet,
than what you'd get from your local pet-keeper. Pet websites provide a vast variety
of information on feeding, grooming, vets, training, pet supplies, pet stores, and even
have discussion forums that you can use to talk about your pet.

Robert is a Freelance Writer For They Specialize In Information for anyone looking for a Pet For Sale. No Matter What Kind Of Pet Whether It Be A pet bird for sale, Or A small pet for sale You Can find More Information Here.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Peaceful Co-existence Pets and Hardwood Wood Floors

Even though it has been established by many that hardwood wood floors require regular attention when you have a pet, it is not a forgone conclusion that you must choose between your Faithful Friend and the beauty and class that hardwood wood floors can bring to an interior.

Taking care of hardwood wood floors will demand a certain level of attention, and as such it is just as easy to incorporate a few simple steps into a cleaning routine which takes your pets into account as well. In some ways, having hardwood floors in a pet’s environment is a great alternative to carpeting. Hardwood wood floors make the clearing away of animal hair and dander a much simpler exercise. Pets enjoy the coolness of hardwood, and will often remain in those areas away from your carpeting. This can save a lot of time and bother when it comes to vacuuming.

Be Vigilant

Overall, the key principle to remember about hardwood wood floors and pets is awareness and timely action. Responsible pet owners are likely to find success when it comes to taking care of their hardwood floors as well as their furry friends. Provided that you keep a few things in mind, you may well enjoy the company of your pets as well as the high quality a hardwood wood floor’s unique appearance will lend to your interior for years to come. Some actions to take when it comes to pets and hardwood wood floors may include:

  • Considering some areas of your interior to be “no pet zones”

  • Clipping your pet’s claws to avoid scratching the surface of hardwood wood floors

  • Seeking ways of avoiding spillage from pet water dishes – buy broad-based water dishes or water dishes that come with a spill-resistant stand

  • Making use of strategically placed mats to protect from spills and wet paws fresh from outdoor exploration. Make sure that wet mats don’t sit too long on your hardwood wood floor.

  • Assuming the worst when it comes to urine stains and lingering odors even before they happen. Seek advice from pet store retailers and DIY experts about how to treat the surface of a hardwood wood floor in the event of an “accident”. Always follow the instructions as stipulated by manufacturers of stain-removal products

  • Being prepared to clear water spills and urine right away – don’t leave messes to sit
  • One option to explore of course is finding out about as many flooring options as you feel are viable as alternatives to hardwood wood floors. Many varieties of flooring (laminate flooring, porcelain tile et al) are very conducive to high pet-traffic, and with comparatively less to worry about when it comes to many of the elements discussed here. Look at as many as you can and know how much attention each option will demand when it comes to your pet. In weighing the pros and cons when it comes to a choice of flooring and your pet, you may save yourself a significant amount of bother and expense in the future.

    The author of this article, Rob Jones, is Communications Coordinator with BuildDirect, a leading online wholesaler of building products. Rob writes articles for commercial contractors and DIYers on features, installation, and maintenance of building materials used in commercial and residential projects. These articles focus on materials such as flooring, decking, roofing, and siding, and other related topics.

    Saturday, June 14, 2008

    Pug Care and Breed Information

    Pug dogs are perky, small dogs that have a short, sleek coat and cute inquisitive face. These loyal dogs are extremely smart and sensitive to commands. They are sturdy and rugged, love to play and are fantastic with kids. They are not yippy like some small dogs tend to be and are great for a small house or apartment. They typically are outgoing and sociable with humans as well as other animals. They do need attention, like any other pet, and will reward you with their loyal companionship.


    Pug dogs are an Ancient Asian breed. In the sixteenth century Pugs were all the rage in European high society and a Pug is rumored to have saved the life of William, Prince of Orange when the dog barking gave them notice of the Spanish invasion. Many pugs were found in Chinese Imperial palace in the mid 1800's. The AKC recognized pugs in 1885.

    Breed Standards

    Pug dogs should be 12 to 14 inches tall for males and 10 to 12 inches for females. They grow a short coat in black, fawn, apricot or silver. These dogs are stocky with a round eyed face, prominent eyes and curly tails. Pugs should weigh in between 13 to 20 pounds.

    Medical Concerns

    Pugs often have respiratory and skin related problems. Their "button" ears which fold overcan create a friendly environment for mites - therefore their ears should be checked frequently. These little dogs have flat faces with protruding eyes which might make them prone to ulcers on the cornea. Pugs are also prone to colds and should avoid harsh weather- either very cold or very hot.

    Grooming and Care

    Bathing pugs is recommended but care should be take to be sure you dry them completely after bathing as they can catch cold easily. Care must be taken with Pugs to insure their ears do not harbor pests and the folds of skin on their faces should be cleaned. Pug dogs are rather easy to care for and groom because of their short hair.

    Pugs make loving and loyal companions but like most toy breed dogs do take extra care and attention. Before you adopt a pug, you need to make sure that you can provide him with a proper home. Pugs should not be kept outdoors for any length of time so you will need to provide suitable housing inside the home. Also, make sure you have the time to devote to your dog as he does require your attention.

    Lee Dobbins writes for Subject Monster where you can find more information on a variety of subjects.

    Thursday, June 12, 2008

    Pet Phobia

    Fear is a natural feeling, people can fear different things all the time and this fear can be a result of any circumstance. When this fear turns into something beyond a normal phase and takes a different, much severe form then it turns into a phobia. Phobias are defined as an abnormal fear that becomes hard to control. Psychologists have given different reasons of phobias that vary from a minute fear of insects to an intense phobia of circumstances and situations. It may be the result of what may have passed in a person's life, a bad experience that leaves a permanent mark on the person's personality.

    Phobias are natural in humans and even in animals. People fear animals to a point of being ridiculous and we call such fears phobias because of their abnormality. Even pets themselves suffer from phobias. Now we can ponder over a few a few kinds of phobias to help understand them in a better way and this way people suffering from such phobias can be helped and they can help themselves when they understand that these fears are superficial and they can be easily overcome.

    Cat phobia is a simple fear of cats, that they will jump out of somewhere and scratch someone's face with their claws. This phobia is more commonly observed in women than in men and basically in children. They avoid going to houses that keep cats and dogs as pets. Besides this people also fear lizards or little insects and they over react if they visit a house where the people have snakes or tarantulas as pet.

    Small children are more likely to suffer from such phobias. They tend to suffer from an unknown fear of dogs that they might jump over them and bite them. These fears may also be original because of a terrible experience that a person might have gone through in the past. An encounter with a dog or any other pet that might have attacked a person and after that experience a fear sets in the heart that becomes hard to overcome. Even pets that are treated badly or harshly start suffering from phobias. They become hesitant, meek and they start to whimper and hide under the sofas when any human tries to approach them. Pets like horses, cats, dogs too suffer from phobias like fearing fire, loud sounds, explosions etc. These phobias are curable with the help of psychiatrists. The best way however, to get rid of a phobia, like all other fears is to force yourself into a situation where you have to face it and be strong, keeping in mind that it will help you get over it.

    Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles on many topics including Pets, Nursing, and Arts

    Wednesday, June 11, 2008

    Special Considerations For Pet Beagle Owners

    Beagles are happy loving dogs that have a long relationship with man as a hunting companion. Although no one knows for sure where these dogs descended from, there are records of small hunting dogs that go back to the 13th century and it is no secret these dogs are quite successful for hunting fox and rabbit.

    Their great nose not withstanding, beagles are also fun companions that can adapt easily to family life. However, you will have to keep in mind that the Beagle does have strong instincts for the chase and you must never let him loose or walk him without his lead.

    Recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1884, this popular breed is muscular with long droopy ears, dark eyes, a short coat and a keen sense of smell. The breed comes in two sizes - one under 13 inches and one between 13 and 15 inches. He can be any color but typical beagles show tan and black on white.

    Along with his propensity for chasing small animals, the Beagles voice can be another one of his less lovable traits. The beagle has a rather loud howl which is great for helping hunters find them when they are on the trail of prey, but not so good when they are waking you up with it in the middle of the night. Beagles do tend to bark when they hear strange noises and can bay loudly when left alone for long periods of time so if you are considering a Beagle for apartment life then you might want to think twice.

    Beagles are very active dogs and need to be exercises regularly. You shouldn’t leave them out unattended though so be prepared to walk them daily and take them to the park on weekends. Beagles are very social and will not like being left alone for long periods of time or they can become destructive.

    Although Beagles are fairly easy to groom with their short coat, you should plan to brush them once a week to remove dead hair. They can take to rolling in icky stuff so you be prepared to bathe him at times as well. The long droopy ears can become infected easily and must be examined frequently to be sure no infection is brewing.

    One thing to watch for in your pet Beagle is overeating. Beagles like to eat and are not finicky at all about what they put in their mouths. In fact, you might find your Beagle rummaging in the trash for a snack shortly after dinner. Since Beagles are small dogs, you do need to be sure your pet does not overeat as this can cause him to become overweight which will bring on health problems.

    Beagles can live to be around 15 years of age if cared for properly. Some diseases to be watched for in this breed in particular include epilepsy, glaucoma, cataracts, invertebral disk disease, hypothyroidism and retinal apathy. Getting your beagle from a good breeder with healthy lineage is key to avoiding these kinds of disease.

    Lee Dobbins writes for where you can learn more about caring for and training your pet beagle.

    Tuesday, June 10, 2008

    My Greatest Spiritual Teacher, My Pet!

    My greatest spiritual lessons came to me in the one
    place I least expected, wrapped in one incredibly
    beautiful ball of fur. They came from YOU!
    My dearest companion and loving pet.

    You taught me to feel my way through life, to keep my
    senses open and to sniff out each person, place and
    thing and if it doesn’t smell right, to just leave it alone.

    You taught me the meaning of compassion and
    acceptance by allowing me to be exactly who I am and
    loving me, and kissing me and nuzzling with me anyway.

    You taught me forgiveness by never holding onto anything
    after the moment passed, and in your wise eyes I finally
    saw there really was nothing to forgive in the first place.

    You taught me that life is an adventure and every
    precious moment is just waiting to be explored,
    to be smelled, tasted, savored and delight in.

    You taught me the true meaning of the word gratitude
    and not to be afraid to really show someone
    how excited and happy they made me.

    You taught me to be fully present in every single
    moment, and to keep my thoughts focused on what
    lies right before me on my journey through the day.

    You taught me to be open to everything and everyone
    who crosses my path and to delight in their presence
    and seek refreshment from it.

    You taught me to express myself when I need to and
    not to keep my feelings bottled up inside, to purr or
    bark or growl, whatever the moment called for.

    You taught me the meaning of unconditional love
    by giving it to me always, and never holding back any
    single part of yourself from me.

    You taught me the true meaning of the word JOY in your
    incredible ability to lose yourself each day in gay,
    passionate abandon over the simplest of pleasures.

    I searched for so long, in so many places, for all the
    answers to the mysteries of life.

    How surprised I was to finally find them
    right there in front of me, in YOU!

    My dearest companion and loving pet.

    Veronica Hay is an inspirational writer. Her work inspires others to be more of who they really are. Telephone: 403-245-6815
    Subscribe to Veronica’s Daily Insights & Inspirations at the following link.

    Sunday, June 8, 2008

    Ringworm And Your Pets - What To Look For

    As hard as it may be to believe, ringworm can affect your pets. Ringworm in dogs and cats is more common than you might think. Worse yet, it's also possible for your cat to pass it onto you, but don't freak out, it's rarely the case. And while the thought of ringworm may not be a pleasant one, it really isn't a worm though, it's a fungus. Let's take a closer look at how ringworm gets started in your pets to begin with and what to look out for.

    There are basically three forms of ringworm in dogs or cats, and every breed of dog or cat is susceptible to getting it. One type is found in rats. How can that affect my dog or cat? If your pet were to touch the rat, or dig around in its home, it could easily get ringworm. Another type is found in the soil. And the third type is found in cats only.

    While ringworm on people will have a tell tale reddish colored ring shaped rash, on animals there is no set pattern. It can look completely different. This can make it difficult to know that it is ringworm.

    So, how do you know if you have ringworm in dog or cat? Many people just assume that if their pet is itching a lot it is from having a few fleas. Makes sense, but you should take a closer look if they continue scratching on a frequent basis as this could be a sign of ringworm. Look for bumps on their skin, or hair loss around places where they have been scratching. This is a good indication of ringworm in your pet.

    If you find that your pet appears to have ringworm, take it to the vet and have it checked out. The last thing you want to do is to blow it off and then have it spread and take the risk of getting it yourself. It's easily treated by a vet. They can give your pet a dip, or a special shampoo, and possibly a cream to put on the area infected. A vet can also answer any other questions you might have. You might also look in a pet supply store at medicine for ringworm. in dog or cat. Products containing Ketoconazole are recommended for dogs, and Itraconazole for cats.

    Vets agree that treatment should continue for eight weeks, no matter how much better your pet is doing after only a few weeks. This is important due to the fact that the fungal spores from ringworm can exist for many weeks. Don't forget to treat your home at the same time you are treating your pet. Some believe that ringworm spores can live in your carpet for up to two years. Be sure to thoroughly clean your home. Vacuum your carpet and then change out your bag.

    By simply following a few of these steps, and being aware of the situation, will help prevent any further complications. While the problem may seem like a real pain, you don't have to let ringworm in dog or cat get you down.

    You can find much more information on Ringworm as well as get FREE tips and information on Ringworm at

    Friday, June 6, 2008

    Halloween Costumes For Pets Let Fido And Fluffy Join In On The Fun!

    Halloween is one of the most exciting times of the year. But it doesn’t have to only be for people; dogs and cats can have fun too! With all of the new clever Halloween costumes for that loving animal in your life, we’re sure your pets will beg you to dress them up.

    Halloween costumes for pets are becoming more and more popular through the years. Now, many of the top costume suppliers online are creating more great costume ideas with your little furry friends in mind! Each year, the selection grows and the decisions get harder, while the costumes get more creative!

    Why not wear the same costume as your furry canine friend? You’ll be the center of attention at the party this year. There’s a great selection of costumes for dogs, and you have the flexibility to choose what will look best on your little pup.

    Maybe you’ll dress her up as a witch, complete with a little black hat, or go as a set of pirates! There are some new pirate pet costumes for 2006 on the Halloween costume websites. Yes, with just a few clicks of your mouse, you and your pet can be all suited up! It’s that easy!

    Don’t forget cats, too! Sure, they may not enjoy wearing a costume as much as a dog would, but they will still join in on the festivities! Buy your little kitty a cute “devil” costume, where they’ll only have to wear a headpiece and cape! Or, stick to something a little simpler like a jester collar. Again, more ideas are available online for you to view!

    Online Halloween costume stores have a variety of choices to look at, and it couldn’t be easier to pick something out! You will be able to order online and pick out which size of costume you’ll need, and the costumes will be delivered to your doorstep within a matter of hours.

    Most websites offer expedited services so you could get your costumes the next day, and then all that’s left to do is to put on the costumes, get out there and have a blast! Halloween will never be the same again!

    Maria is an exclusive author of “1st In Halloween Costumes” available at A great source to find exciting costume ideas and Halloween costumes online! You can easily find and compare halloween sites offering a variety of unique Pet Costumes, and costume accessories for the entire family, and now your precious dogs and cats can dress up and have some ghoulish fun as well.

    Thursday, June 5, 2008

    People and Pets a Good Chemistry

    Have you ever had a pet in your life? You may be part of a minority group who answered NO, but there is still a good chance you have been involved with pets: your neighbour’s cat, your best friend’s dog, your cousin’s fish. Pets are everywhere: it is estimated that 65% of Australian households have a pet and a similar estimate applies in the United States. But why are we talking about pets?

    Well, the answer is simple! People devote their time (all those walks along the beach), their hard-earned income (an estimated $20,000 for a pet which lives 10 years), and their emotional energy to their pets. Many view their pets as life companions, nurture and develop a relationship with them, even though they cannot carry out a conversation, tell an interesting story, or even help with cleaning the house. At the emotional level, pets are capable of providing unprecedented support. They can be your best friend.

    The Primordial Bond

    We need company. Human beings are social and highly-emotional therefore feel the necessity to share their lives with others. We are always looking for fulfilment through recognition, responsibility and attachment – and pets are able to provide that with great efficiency. Having a pet incurs being responsible for a living being, being attached to another animal which seemingly also presents emotion-induced behaviours and being recognised. And the best thing is that there aren’t any conflicts in food tastes, life goals or the TV channel that should be on!

    Dogs, cats and other pets are also able to establish a harmonic relationship with highly introvert, non-sociable individuals. Some people suffer with the inability to relate to others, to express themselves or to build any rapport with other human beings. Pets are more flexible and are satisfied with anyone that cares about them. Do pets share human qualities or emotions? There are theories about instinctive behaviour, and theories about learning and relating. However, from the human perspective, it does not really matter. We love our pets just as they are.

    We produce all kinds of assumptions about their personality (there is some paradox in affirming that animals actually have one), their needs (other than physiological), their perspectives of the world, and so on. We are happy to simply make those assumptions and believe they are the truth, and as long as the animal seems happy – then they ought to be true. At the emotional level, our personification of pet animals is so obvious that we name our dogs and cats Max, Jack, Oscar and Bella (believe it or not, the most popular names).

    Learning and Socialising

    Some say pets are good teachers. In fact, they can be. Pets allow humans to learn more about themselves. Why? Because we have to create various assumptions about them as they neither communicate effectively (some body language won’t do the whole job), nor have the same behavioural patterns. In this process, we are able to better understand our mindset towards the world: it is the same effect that a kid with a toy would experience, but on a larger scale.

    Furthermore, we tend to evolve emotionally when constantly dealing with pets, even if they are not ours. They provide us with moments of joy and laughter, sadness and anger, and many other emotional states which will stimulate the awareness of our individual responses. Particularly when owned by children or young people, pets induce individuals to increasingly learn about important life concepts such as responsibility, accountability, loyalty, empathy and unconditional love. Such qualities are essential to a child’s healthy development.

    Pet Therapy

    Well, so far we’ve learned that pets can be teachers, mentors, friends, companions. How about therapists? This field is actually one of the most researched fields in the last decade, with psychologists and behavioural scientists conducting several research programs in clinical settings such as hospitals and nursing homes. It has been found that pets can vastly help patients by providing them with emotional support and motivation. It has been scientifically proven that laughter is a great supporting therapy: pets bring laughter to patients in good, moderate and severe conditions.

    In animal-assisted therapy programs, a companion animal will visit patients with a trained caregiver (and the animal is also carefully screened for safety purposes). This process helps to improve both patient and staff morale towards the treatment outcomes. The animal becomes the centre of the attention, which helps release much of the stress related with the treatment. It is a win-win situation.

    Good Medicine

    Research has shown that animal companionship increases survival rates in groups of patients who have suffered cardiac arrest and it also improves the quality of life in many families. Animals require close care, and for that purpose, it requires physical and mental exercise.

    Having a pet means walking more, grooming the animal, exercising problem-solving skills, planning, managing, and many other related activities. Inevitably – your neighbour’s cat, your best friend’s dog, your cousin’s fish or your own animal will remove you from your shell, and potentially turn you into a happier, healthier and more fulfilled person – and with no strings attached!

    ฉ Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors. If you wish to republish or reproduce this article, please include this information in the end of the article. For more information about the Institute – please visit To access our Article Library, visit

    Pedro Gondim is a writer and publisher for the Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors. The Institute is Australia's largest counsellor training provider, offering the internationally renowned Diploma of Professional Counselling.

    Wednesday, June 4, 2008

    Why Rats are Becoming Popular as Pets!

    Despite all the bad press, rats are increasingly being chosen as pets. Never mind the popular images of domestic damsels in distress climbing on kitchen chairs while shrieking "Eek! A rat!" Forget all the rumors you heard about filthy vermin scurrying about, populating sewers and spreading diseases. If you ever experience the privilege of taming, keeping, and befriending domesticated or fancy rats, you will quickly forget all the urban rat legends you ever heard.

    Interestingly enough, not all cultures fostered such distaste for these rodents of a species called Rattus norvegicus. Historically, rats were loved and even revered in regions throughout Asia where folklore paints a favorable picture of intelligent, playful, and mischievous creatures.

    The earliest documented case of rats bred in captivity comes from 19th Century England. Over 100 years of selective breeding has resulted in today’s domesticated rat, no more similar to its wild predecessor as dogs or cats would be to theirs. Today, fancy rats continue to be bred and many are even trained to compete in shows.

    As tame as they are, these furry little animals have retained their natural tendencies to dig, climb, swim, and search... and of course, to chew. Therefore, the more "rat-proofed" your home is, the more play space your pet will have.

    Contrary to what many may believe, rats are clean, evidenced by the fact that they will readily (and perhaps obsessively) groom themselves and each other. In fact, grooming is an integral part of their social behavior.

    When kept properly, today’s rats are typically docile, tame, and adaptable to new people and environments. They will not bite. However when extremely threatened, as in cases of pregnancy or abuse, they may resort to such defensive behavior. Young rats may occasionally nip on fingertips, particularly if they smell food on them. The bottom line, however, is that compared with other small animals such as hamsters and gerbils, rats bite far less.

    Owners have found rats to be highly intelligent creatures that are easily trained. Your rat will learn to approach you when its name is called, and for the right treat, it can learn basic commands such as "sit" and "stay." The patient and persistent rat owner of an agile and eager-to-please pet may be delighted to see his furry friend successfully complete an obstacle course of bridges, tunnels and hoops.

    Although this may take weeks, even months, of consistent training the sense of accomplishment can be very rewarding for both owner and rattie alike. They have proven themselves to be intelligent enough to learn a variety of things... right down to litter-training!

    In time, rats can become quite fond of their owners and will welcome a ride inside a cozy pocket or perched on a shoulder. Some rats will even lick or "groom" their beloved human friends.

    It has often been said that rats combine the good aspects of other pets. They offer the friendliness and unconditional love that a dog gives you. They share the cuteness and inexpensive cost of mice and hamsters. They're as clean as cats. And they're among the most intelligent of any animal, meaning they'll surprise you with all sorts of entertaining antics.

    One of the few drawbacks is that rats have a typically short lifespan of two to three years on average, during which time they may be prone to tumors or respiratory infections. However, if the right precautions are taken, rats can live full healthy lives.

    Keep in mind that a short life doesn't change the connection between you and your rat. It's still satisfying to have them as pets even if it's for a shorter period than you would hope. As Alfred Lord Tennyson put it,
    'Tis better to have loved and lost,
    Than never to have loved at all.

    By taking the time to learn all about pet rats, you can be assured of a positive rat-raising experience!

    Colin Patterson is one of the world's foremost experts on pet rats and has written a guide called Pet Rats: How to Easily Train and Care For Your Ratties... To Have a Happy Life Together -- check it out by going to

    Tuesday, June 3, 2008

    Why You Should Adopt A Dog

    Dog adoption is made easy through the countless animal welfare organizations and animal shelters existing in every city across the United States. With literally thousands of adoptable dogs listed, a prospective dog owner can select to adopt a dog that needs a wonderful family to go to and be loved. In fact, when you search through these shelters and find a puppy, you are doing a great service to the community and to the local dog rescue or animal shelter that you went for your dog, cat, kitten, or puppy adoption. Thus, you should not hesitate! You should go today to your local area's shelter facilities and practically support dog and puppy adoption. But before you exit such a life-saving premise, you should first consider some important factors that will shape your decision.

    In fact, you are interested in getting a dog from a shelter you can increase your chances of completing a successful adoption if you make some observations and you are not afraid to ask the shelter's personnel some necessary questions. Begin by visiting the shelter several times and watch the interaction of the staff members with the animals. Pay attention to how they treat, clean and behave to them and if possible keep notes of their attitude towards the dogs in general and the one you are considering of adopting in specific.

    A buyer who chooses to adopt a shelter animal instead of buying a puppy should be just as careful in his choice and as selective of a place to adopt as the puppy buyer should be in his choice of a breed and a puppy. This is mainly due to diseases and lack of proper care. Although dogs are vaccinated against common canine diseases when they enter a shelter, they do not always receive immediately the appropriate vaccinations, especially if they have been already exposed to a disease while roaming the streets. In addition, if the shelter keeps each dog in different compartments, but a chain type of fence separates them from each other-meaning that their nose can be in direct contact-then illness are possible to be transferred from one dog to another. Furthermore, if their feces are not picked up regularly and their cells are not cleaned properly, worms and other feces-spread diseases are possible. Thus, ask the shelter's veterinarian to perform a thorough background physical check on the dog you have set your eyes on and take proof of their vaccination before exiting the shelter or clinic.

    Finally, you should be aware that owning a dog is a big responsibility. Apart from their need to be fed regularly depending on their size and breed, dogs have to be taken outdoors, and they often require medical care. Although it is a disaster that many people fail to recognize these and other issues beforehand, you should not decide to adopt a dog based on an impulse. It has to be a well-thought decision that takes under consideration how much time you have available everyday, what is your current lifestyle, and which are your living accommodations. Thinking beforehand where the dog shall live once it enters your house premises is as important as teaching your kids not to be afraid of the hairy new family addition-some children might even get jealous or afraid of a new dog. Plan ahead, research extensively and be well-prepared in order to enjoy for many years to come the amazing company and unique companionship a dog can offer to everyone in your family.

    Kadence Buchanan writes articles on many topics including
    Pets, Home, and

    Monday, June 2, 2008

    Will Your Dog Survive The Summer Sun

    As a 10 year old child, I watched helplessly one hot August day as my beloved boxer, Duke, died in my arms. Four decades later, I still have that memory painfully etched in my mind. We didn't learn until after the fact that Duke had died of a heat stroke. Even more painful was the realization that, had we known what to look for, we could have taken measures to possibly prevent his death. In honor of his memory, I want to share vital information that may keep your dog from suffering Duke's fate.

    What is heat stroke?

    Too much time exposed to the dangerous combination of increased temperature and humidity can lead to a heat stroke. A mammal's body (and that includes humans, too) can only tolerate temperatures up to about 107 degrees before cells start dying. The higher the temperature, the faster this occurs. The longer the body remains at an elevated temperature, the less chance there is for recovery. Heat stroke can occur very quickly, given the right set of circumstances, and if too much time has elapsed, even your best efforts may not be enough to keep your dog alive.

    Is my dog at risk for heat stroke?

    Any dog can fall victim to heat stroke, but hot weather is especially hard on puppies and older dogs, (they have a harder time regulating their body temperature), short-nosed breeds, (like pugs, pekes, boxers and bulldogs), overweight dogs, those with heart or lung problems, and dogs recently moved from a cooler climate. These risk factors increase if your dog doesn't have enough water, if he's in an enclosed space or is exposed too long to direct sunlight.

    How can I recognize heat stroke?

    Heat stroke causes dogs to pant rapidly and heavily, the body's defense in an effort to lower the core temperature. Their eyes may be open abnormally wide, and they may appear to stare blankly, ignoring your commands. They may drool excessively and stagger weakly. The gums will appear pale and dry and eventually, if left untreated, the animal will collapse into unconsciousness.

    What should I do if my dog has a heat stroke?

    If you suspect your dog is suffering from heat stroke and you're close to a vet or animal hospital, put him in the car, crank the air conditioning all the way up and get him there as soon as possible. They're the ones best equipped to handle your dog's recovery. If that's not possible, you must try to reduce your dog's temperature yourself. Get him to a shady area and either put him in a tub of cool (not cold) running water, or spray him with a hose. Be sure the water penetrates his coat and wets the skin beneath. Run it over his tongue and mouth, inside the legs and on his stomach. Remember that small dogs will cool down more quickly than larger breeds. Take your dog to a vet as soon as you can.

    Hopefully your dog will never suffer a life-threatening heat stroke. If he does, at least now you know the signs and symptoms to be aware of, and the measures you can take that will offer him the best chances for a full and total recovery.

    Honey Wesley is the owner of "It's a Dog's Life", a fun, innovative and informative website dedicated to dogs and dog lovers everywhere. For the follow-up to this article, send a blank email here. You'll get "12 Ways to Keep Your Dog Safe this Summer".

    Sunday, June 1, 2008

    Pet Depression and Separation Anxiety

    Pets develop emotional bonds to their human owners and when separated from them, pets may suffer from depression and separation anxiety. There are times when it becomes necessary to be separated from a pet such as when having to be hospitalized or taking a vacation. As much as we may hate being away from a beloved pet, it may actually be a more stressful experience for the animal.

    Most people develop comfort zones and tend to resist change because it disrupts their level of comfort even when the change is positive. Many of us don’t realize that our pets can and often do react in similar ways. They also have their own comfort zones and become closely bonded with the people within their home territory.

    When separation occurs and the pet deeply misses those he is closest to, depression may set in. It is not uncommon for a pet to grieve itself to death when its owner dies. Pets can withdraw, become extremely quiet or in some cases even be a bit hostile when separated from the owner.

    If separation is unavoidable, for instance, when the owner has to be admitted to the hospital, it is best to try and make arrangements for the pet to be kept by someone such as a friend or family member that the pet is familiar and comfortable with. That way the pet’s stay should be less stressful for both the pet and the owner.

    Although many pet owners take their pets along with them on vacation, others may not choose to do so or perhaps cannot do so for various reasons. Those who do not take their pets along on vacation will need to find a reliable caretaker to look after their pet while they are gone.

    Another option to consider is a house sitter. Pets are likely to be more comfortable in their owner’s absence if they remain in familiar surroundings rather than being transported to the home of a friend or relative. If possible, it may be a good idea to see if someone you trust and that your pet knows well enough to be comfortable with would be willing to be your house sitter in your absence.

    Pets that become depressed when separated from their owners may refuse to eat or drink and may become lethargic. When there is a strong attachment between pet and owner even being separated for a short length of time can cause the pet a fair amount of anxiety. The stress caused by the separation can produce symptoms of physical illness.

    If you must leave your pet with someone else during a planned absence such as a vacation, take your pet along with you for a visit to the person’s house that will be caring for the animal, several times in the weeks before you leave. This will give your pet an opportunity to inspect the house, become accustomed to the surroundings and also it will give the animal a chance to interact with the people and any pets in the home. It is better to give your pet a chance to get to know the place where he will be staying rather than abruptly moving him to a strange place at the last minute and then leaving him. It will make the transition easier and hopefully more pleasant for everyone involved.

    Copyright ฉ 2006, Ian White Access 2000 Pty pty ltd

    Author Ian White is founder of Pet Sitting Directory.
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