Friday, May 9, 2008

Animals Are Not Just Pets Anymore

Do you know what a Seeing Eye Dog Is? Do you know what a Service Dog is? Have you ever owned one or know someone that has owned one of these very special dogs? Did you know dogs are love tied up in a large or small package? If the answer is yes, read on.

I have been reading up on dogs and all their fantastic achievements. They save peoples lives over and over again.

The seeing eye dog is a highly trained dog usually a German Sheppard or Labrador Retriever are highly intelligent animals. When these dogs are in harness they are working. There only thought is for their master. When out of harness they frolic, and play just like an ordinary dog. They are trained from puppy hood by living in their trainers houses and then are adopted by their new owners.

Seeing Eye dogs are the most visual and popular kind of dog we know the most about. They are highly trained so a person can walk safely down the stairs and down the street. The seeing eye dog lets it's master know if there is something in his/her path to trip on. They let their master know when it is safe to cross the street. The Seeing Eye Dogs are literally the eyes of their master and are loved for their special accomplishments as well as their companionship. Dogs can even help with the hearing impaired. They can communicate to their master when the telephone is blinking, meaning an incoming call.

There are dogs in law enforcement that are used at the borders and airports to sniff out drugs. There sense of smell is so tuned into drugs that the thieves have a hard time hiding their cargo from the authorities.

There are dogs called Service Dogs. These are dogs that help with every day living assistance. They help their master when they are wheelchair and bed confined get dressed. Their master can wheel themselves to there closet and drop the clothes chosen onto the floor. The dog will pick the clothes up and place them in their master’s lap. These dogs will push wheelchairs and remove laundry out of a washing machine. These dogs are also trained to open and close doors, meaning much more independence for their masters.

Dogs save lives on a daily basis. They can smell cancer even before it is diagnosed. In one case a man purchased a dog. The dog was only in his household for a couple of weeks. The dog kept up a persistent barking. The man having heard about dogs diagnosing cancer went to the doctor for a check up. The man had a mass behind his ear. It was not cancerous but it could have become so in a year. This was the most amazing part, the dog recognizing the cancer before it was cancerous.

Another example of how dogs saved a life is in New York City. A family was visiting with friends. At 2:00 a.m. their dog, an Irish Setter was walking up and down in the hallway barking. When the dad approached the dog to quiet it, he followed the dog into the bathroom. His 10 year old daughter was lying on the bathroom floor in a diabetic coma.

What about cats can they save the day? Well according to a story in People magazine a cat named Tommy called 911 and saved his owners life. When the paramedics entered the house the man was collapsed on the bed. The tabby cat was sitting next to the phone. The man later said that he had been teaching his cat to dial 911. Believe it or not.

How about a rabbit? Do you believe a rabbit name Robin could save a life? Robin was a rabbit and started to go crazy in the middle of the night in her cage. When the family was awakened from their deep sleep, they were as mad as hornets. When they investigated the racket they found there 10 year old daughter not breathing. Robin saved the day.

Another bazaar story is about Frisky a poodle during Hurricane Katrina. Katrina’s master did not want to evacuate his house. He found himself in water over his head and was treading water. Frisky licked his face and brought him back to consciousness when his body was exhausted.

Would you believe a pig named Daisy stopped a pit bull dog from tearing a small child limb from limb. When a pit bull dog charged at a small boy Daisy ran at the dog. She was badly bitten but saved herself and the boys life.

Animals are there for us to be greeted with their tails wagging and barking their welcome home. They are always glad to see us. They are there to listen to our problems and make us feel better. They are love tied up in a small or large package.

Many of us human folks prefer an animal for companionship then the human animal. Can you blame them? After all when you have a pet all we can do is love them.

Thank you for reading my article. I hope you love and enjoy your pets. That is what they are meant for a Service Dog or not. Please feel free to read my numerous other articles.

Copyright 2006 Linda E. Meckler

Linda is the author of her first published book, “Ghost Kids Trilogy. ” Christy, 12 and her Brother Brad, 16 moves into an old house on top of a mountain and meet two Ghost Kids. Become involved with all the characters and all the adventure and mystery.

Then we have a mysterious, magical Blue Vase where Uncle Charlie the villain is trapped. He wants out of the Blue Vase and exchange he will tell Christy and Brad where Pirates’ Treasure is Hidden.

Take a walk with Christy and Brad down a dark hall hunting for Pirates” Treasure. You will think were you there right there with them.

Love, Family Values and Charity burst off the pages.

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