Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Parrots as Pets

Parrots as pets are great! They have such stunning color combinations and their attention grabbing mimicry creates an impression on anyone who walks by.

Are you thinking about buying a parrot as a pet in your household? Well let me say that parrots are quite unlike any other pet. They are extremely loveable, but at times can be frustrating. As you are thinking of choosing a pet parrot it will be a good idea if you were to familiarize yourself with some of their qualities so that you can ensure they will fit into your lifestyle.

What is the lifespan of a Parrot?

Some species of parrots can live for 65-75 years, so you need to be well prepared to make a commitment to a pet parrot for your full lifetime. A dog or cat will only average 10 - 15 years, but your parrot could well live as long as you, or even survive you. Sometimes a poor parrot can find itself in a new home every few years, which is not good for it. Despite your loving commitment your bird will probably find itself in need of a new home when you are no longer able to care for it. You don't want your aged bird to suffer the stress of constantly changing homes, so you need to make sure that adequate arrangements are in place well in advance.

Is a parrot very messy?

Unfortunately all pet birds are messy - no matter what species they are. Their natural instincts of birds to spread seed has not disappeared, and you will need to deal with the seeds thrown out of the cage on a daily basis. Leaving seeds strewn about can attract rodents and become a source of bacteria, so it is essential that you are prepared to clean up after your parrot at regular intervals. Of course parrots will also produce a fair amount of waste every day. You will need to clean their cages and dishes routinely, otherwise it can lead to infections for the parrot, and it is not healthy for humans either.

If you decide to let your parrots roam freely, bear in mind that the parrot can also cause extensive damage to furniture and other items. Large species like the Macaw have a strong bite and can chew furniture, rip wallpaper or knock items over. This is something to really think about - are you prepared for the probable damage if you do let your bird roam freely.

Are they very noisy?

A parrot can call and chatter relentlessly, and while you may find this adorable, your neighbors may not, another thing to think about. Different species have different vocalizations. If you live in a terraced or semi-detached house you may have to rule out certain species like Cockatoos which are extremely loud.

Also if you have other pets, such as dogs or cats, in your household,you must protect your parrot from being harmed. Never ever leave other pets alone with your parrot.

How will a parrot fit into family life?

It is quite common for pet parrots to develop a strong attachment to certain members of your household, and while this can be appreciated by the person concerned, it can cause a problem if the parrot becomes over protective. A parrot is a social and intelligent animal and it will become easily bored - a busy household or single owner who has time to give plenty of attention to the bird would be best.

Is a parrot going to be happy on its own?

Sometimes when a bird matures (at around 5-8 years for the large species) it may start to crave company of another bird. Should you take a mate for your parrot you will have to also take on the extra responsibility of extra care and also the possible babies that may arrive.

Owning a parrot is a privilege and with that comes a fair amount of responsibility. Taking care of your bird does not have to be costly if you clean and feed your bird properly, but you will have to invest in proper housing so your bird is comfortable.

Parrots can bring a lot of joy to the lives of their owners. As long as you think carefully about the amount of work involved in caring for a parrot, and their longevity, then a parrot can make a super pet.

Cat Archer writes for

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