Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Easy Cleaning Tips for Pet Stain Removal

We all love our pets right? But the little critters can be messy at times and wreak havoc with the household fabrics. But I guess if we decide to have family pets, then we shouldn't really complain about a little dog poop or puddle of cat urine from time to time. The problem with house pets is that if the owners are out at work or school all day and the mess is done early morning, then it has all day to fester and soil thus making it one heck of a lot harder to clean than if it was caught fresh.

All stains, be they from animals, foods, or wherever, are much easier to remove when they are new. Most fresh stains are quite removable whereas all the scrubbing and rubbing in the world wont shift an old stubborn stain completely. Having said that, there are very few marks that cannot at the very least be improved with the right approach.

It's surprising how many folks don't know the basics of removing stains and spills. We've all seen Mum running in frantically from the kitchen with a bowl of lukewarm water and detergent as she thrusts herself to the ground and begins to scrub frantically at the fabric – STOP! This is how NOT to remove a stain.

When you apply the detergent, you must start from the outside of the stain and work inwards. Working from the inside out only spreads the stain still further and you could end up with a bigger mess that what you started with. This simple approach will put you on a winner from the outset.

Never rush to get the stain out in a mad scrubbing frenzy. Take your time. Once you have contained the stain and removed any solids, place a towel which is soaked in hot water over the area and press down. Quite often the heat from the towel will transfer the stain from fabric to towel. Repeat this several times as necessary.

Once you are satisfied with the job, you must remember to dry the area out as much as possible. I always use a high powered fan for this. It's likely that the surface may look a little different after cleaning, depending on the material, but just leave it to settle down for a day or two and in most cases it'll be looking as good as new.

Just before I sign off, I do not recommend rubbing the animals nose in its own mess in an attempt to train it not to use the home as its toilet. This is particularly counter-productive with dogs, but apart from that, there are other ways to teach your animal than by dragging it by the scruff of the neck to the soiled spot, but hey, that's for another article.

Ginger Lowey is a proficient writer who has work on the website She has articles on Ways of Cleaning Cat Urine and Compare Dishwashers Online She also has other ‘cleaning’ related pieces on the site.

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